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Texas Archive of the Moving Image
Austin, Texas

Member since 2024-07-22

Session Overview

We have the opportunity to host a booth for educators at an upcoming conference. In the past, we have brought a branded tablecloth, a TV for screening video clips from our colelction, and some flyers. This year, we will have a prime location and would like to level up our booth design. We are seeking a volunteer to help us strategize (and design) and affordable booth setup that could be reused for other types of events. Many people within our organization have picked up basic design skills out of necessity, but we have no dedicated designer. By helping us create an engaging booth setup, this volunteer will help us engage one of our most important audiences, K-12 social studies educators. We hope this results in increased use of our primary source videos of Texas in social studies classrooms.


Nonprofit Overview

Incorporated in 2003, the Texas Archive of the Moving Image (TAMI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization working to discover, preserve, provide access to, and educate the community about Texas’ film heritage.


Graphic design